What We Do
For more than 25 years, Homespace Corporation has been succesfully helping youth (ages 14-21) to forge a better life for themselves and their children. To view our Fact Sheet click here.
Admission and Referral Forms
For admission and referrals, contact Katy Cooper at (716) 220-7341.
Or complete our intake application by clicking "Apply Now".
Second Chance Home
Second Chance Home is a PPP Home, meaning pregnant, parenting, and postpartum. It is open to any youth in foster care ages 14-21 that are currently pregnant, or currently parenting (including males) or have had a pregnancy related experience in their lifetime. This program provides a safe, supportive home to raise children while working towards goals related to permanency, self-sufficiency and parenting. To view our Fact Sheet click here. For a virtual tour of the home, click here. For admission and referral please contact Katy Cooper at (716) 220-7341. Referrals can be generated from any and all counties within New York State.

Next Step
Next Step is a QRTP certified Agency Operated Boarding Home for young women in foster care ages 14 to 21. This program provides safety, structure and support from caring staff as youth learn independent living skills and prepare to live in a supported independent living program. Our program focuses on Trauma Informed Care, and all staff are trained in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention. We deliver services based on trust, safety, choice, empowerment and collaboration. To view our Fact Sheet click here. For a virtual tour of the home, click here. For admission and referral please contact Katy Cooper at (716) 220-7341. Referrals can be generated from any and all counties within New York State.
Supervised Independent Living Program (SILP)
SILP is a foster care supportive independent living program for clients ages 17-21. If pregnant/parenting this would include their children. Our program focuses on using the Trauma Informed Care Model to embrace the needs of our clients and deliver services that are based on trust, safety, choice, empowerment, and collaboration. Community sites are also available to those who qualify, including SSP designation such as college housing or living with kin. To view our Fact Sheet click here. For a virtual tour of these homes, click here. For admission and referral please contact Katy Cooper at (716) 220-7341. Referrals can be generated from any and all counties within New York State.

Community Supervised Independent Living Program (COMM SILP)
Our community independent living program is an option for youth who have “graduated” from our residential programs. Youth in this program choose an approved apartment anywhere in Erie or Niagara County and Homespace pays their rent and utilities until they are 21 years old. At that time they take over the lease and remain in the apartment as an adult. To view our Fact Sheet click here. For admission and referral please contact Katy Cooper at (716) 220-7341. Referrals can be generated from any and all counties within New York State.
Community SILP Resident Handbook
Young Person Resource & Empowerment Program (Y-PREP)
Y-PREP is designed to serve youth who have aged out of foster care, ages 18-24. Y-PREP services focus on teaching life skills to be a productive adult including, but not limited to: receiving a GED, attending trade school, job hunting, finding an apartment, budgeting, time-management, self-advocacy, applying for benefits like SNAP and WIC, and mental health services. Referrals to Y-PREP must be generated within Erie County. To view our Fact Sheet, click here. For admission and referral please contact Katy Cooper at (716) 220-7341.
Grant Award from The Margaret L. Wendt Foundation
This April, Homespace celebrated 30 years of service with a special celebration dinner at The Buffalo History Museum.
Lindsey Carter Named New Executive Director
Contact Us
Contact us for any general inquires